As if life isn't hard enough, I've only gone and got myself a place in the London Marathon next April! It would appear I'm one of the lucky 1 in 5 who have secured a ballot place for the gruelling 26.3m 'race'. The news could not have been more of a surprise and I don't think I gave it a second thought since I rather half-heartedly applied all those months back, expecting nothing in the process.
At the moment I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. There's no doubting it's something I've always wanted to do and as I'm 40 next July it would be a really memorable year to take part, but I feel a genuine sense of guilt that I'm a tad underwhelmed about the whole thing at present, especially whilst a couple of my friends who were desperate to take part are gutted to have been rejected. This could take a few days to sink in...
I'm not fazed by the time-consuming training regime I will need to undertake (and that's not saying I think it will be anything other than very hard work, by the way) as I'm no stranger to running. I started doing regular jogs to get in shape for my wedding over 10 years ago and like Forest Gump I've not stopped. I do around 16 miles a week and run 4.2m in around 31 mins which is a pace I'm more than happy with. I love running. It's always been a great time for me to grab a small piece of solitude and think things through. I will train alone for the marathon as I've always run alone. My MP3 player will be my only companion: there is nothing better than falling deep inside the music whilst pounding the streets in all weathers.
There's so many things to consider, not least of all what charity I will run for. Of course, by getting a place via the ballot I can chose things like this rather than 'buying' a place for a charity that no matter it's worthiness, may not be dear to my heart.
Over the next 7 months I will use this blog to occasionally update my marathon preparations as, purely from a selfish point of view, its the closest thing I have to a diary and it will be good to look back on in years to come.
One things for sure, I'm already looking forward to the prospect of running past The valley!